The Most Common Wildlife in Tulsa

white tail deer

While wildlife is more common in suburban neighborhoods, these critters can even be found in more urban areas of our great city. Wildlife can seem cute, but they can be harmful to you, your family, your home, and your pets. Let's learn about the most common wildlife in Tulsa and how to prevent them from entering your yard and home.

White-Tailed Deer

One of the most iconic and frequently encountered mammals in Tulsa is the white-tailed deer. These graceful creatures can be spotted in parks, green spaces, and even suburban neighborhoods. With their distinctive white tails and slender bodies, white-tailed deer contribute to the city's natural charm.

Eastern Gray Squirrel

You can't miss the energetic and acrobatic Eastern Gray Squirrel as it dashes through trees and across lawns. These adaptable rodents are a common sight in parks and urban green areas, providing a touch of wildlife charm to the cityscape.

Eastern Cottontail Rabbit

The Eastern Cottontail Rabbit is another furry resident of Tulsa, often found nibbling on vegetation in grassy areas. These small, cotton-tailed mammals are prolific breeders, adding to the city's biodiversity.

Red-Tailed Hawk

The skies of Tulsa are graced by the majestic Red-Tailed Hawk, a raptor with a distinctive rust-colored tail. These birds of prey play a vital role in controlling rodent populations and contribute to the city's ecological balance.


Tulsa is also home to the nocturnal opossum, a marsupial with a prehensile tail and a penchant for scavenging. While some may find them unappealing, opossums are valuable allies in pest control, as they consume insects and small rodents.

How to Keep Wildlife Out

While enjoying the presence of wildlife in Tulsa can be a rewarding experience, it's essential to strike a balance that ensures both the well-being of the animals and the comfort of human residents. Here are some tips on how to keep wildlife out of your immediate living space.

Secure Your Trash

Many wildlife species are attracted to human habitats by the smell of food. To deter them, use wildlife-proof trash cans with tight-fitting lids. This prevents animals like raccoons and opossums from rummaging through your garbage.

Seal Entry Points

Inspect your home for potential entry points that small mammals could exploit. Ensure that gaps in walls, vents, and roof eaves are sealed to prevent unwanted guests from making themselves at home.

Pet Food Management

If you have outdoor pets, avoid leaving their food bowls outside. Wildlife, especially raccoons and squirrels, may be attracted to the smell. Feed your pets indoors and store pet food securely.

Bird Feeder Placement

If you enjoy feeding birds, be strategic about the placement of bird feeders. Elevate them on poles or hang them from branches to make it harder for squirrels and other mammals to access the feed.

Garden Protection

Use fencing or natural deterrents to protect your garden from browsing deer and rabbits. Planting species that are less attractive to wildlife can also help minimize damage.

Professional Wildlife Removal 

If you try these tips and wildlife is still making its way around your yard or home, make sure to call for professional wildlife removal services in order to protect your loved ones. At Dandi, we have over six decades of experience providing wildlife control and pest control in Tulsa. Give us a call, and we'll make sure to get rid of wildlife for you in no time.

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